Internship in Eisai Indonesia, DAMN! How Lucky I am!

For me, Internship Program in PT Eisai Indonesia by The DEC Project Managers Meeting and BELKAGA Event is a really one of my greatest experience ever. The way we meet, discuss, and initiate many ideas for better Indonesian Future in social health. By this experience I learn how to maintain a big project into local level, directly visit to the company and finalized the ideas by share and discussion with the company leader form Japan and in Indonesia, and also the project managers around the world. Thank you AIESEC! for having me in this project.


Paguyuban Dimas Diajeng Jogja adalah rumah untuk mengembangkan potensi diri, tempat di mana kami saling menerima perbedaan, mendukung satu sama lain dan mendedikasikan diri sesuai dengan kemampuan dan bidang masing-masing untuk bersama-sama mendukung pengembangan pariwisata kota Jogja.

Gadjah Mada Menyapa: Serunya Berkeliling Sulawesi Selatan dan Menebar Semangat Kebaikan

Menjadi satu di antara segelintir anak daerah yang bisa mengenyam pendidikan di kampus besar Gadjah Mada membawa tanggungjawab tersendiri untuk berkeinginan berbagi dan menginspirasi mereka adik-adik kami yang lainnya untuk bisa bermimpi dan bercita-cita setinggi-tingginya. Ini pengalaman kami berkeliling Sulawesi Selatan bersama Himpunan Mahasiswa Gadjah Mada Sul-Sel dalam rangkaian Gadjah Mada Menyapa.

Gadjah Mada Muda: Petualanganku sebagai Mahasiswa UGM Berawal di Sini

Menjadi mahasiswa adalah sebuah anugerah karena saya sadar tidak semua dari anak daerah seperti saya bisa mencicipi bangku kuliah, apalagi di salah satu kampus ternama seperti Universitas Gadjah Mada. Dengan momen berharga ini, saya bertekad untuk tidak menyia-nyiakan semua kesempatan yang ada untuk dapat belajar dan membangun potensi yang lebih baik lagi serta menebarkan kebaikan bagi mereka yang membutuhkan melalui dedikasi dan semangat untuk mengabdikan diri. Inilah awal kisahku, Gadjah Mada Muda 2014

MUN: Pengalaman Merepresentasikan Negara di Simulasi Forum PBB

Simulasi Sidang PBB atau Model of United Nations adalah salah satu kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat dalam mengasah keterampilan dan kapasitas dalam bernogosiasi, berdiskusi dan beradu argumen untuk lebih peka dan peduli pada isu-isu internasional. Simak bagaimana saya mengikuti Padjadjaran Model United Nations, dan dapatkan tips-trik bagi kamu yang mau mengenal dunia MUN di sini.

April 15, 2022

SGP Flight Perdana


Hola! this is Farid attending,
Just raising my nose up after almost two months without a word in this place. Lol (this is on Wednesday May 15th by the way).

The almost two of months is little bit rapid change because first, its the second quarter of 2022, which is the highest tension of working period in my job, and second of all because we celebrate Ramadhan and also Lebaran in these last month just me in outdoor mode, mostly driving, traveling, no laptop, and yess, made this lovely blog is little bit vacuum. 


here we are! Just need to write some words to be a compliment for these epic memorable pictures/album to memorize that last month we just finally visit Singapore for the first time in forever (lol). 

Basically Singapore is a very close to Jakarta, but seems the very basic economy reason made me just don't know why cannot reach this place in my fucking 24 years in my life. 

Just so hard trying to pretending cool and calm down, when I see the Merlion and ready to pose like a tourist (Aaaa drinking water, or Tadaa my leg just kicking my ears in front of the iconic Merlion!!) Damn, I just did nothing, rather than 'click and click' alias jepret jepret random pictures any thing I found (and of course no selfie pls).

The very beginning, day I, just visit Singapore museum in central Singapore, to learn about how this magical small land becoming one of the highest GDP country in the world. And yess, since they are very well known related their advance technology and civilization, not only because geographically speaking they are strategic position for international trade route, but also because the people inside the country are high spirit for life, they are fighters mentally, smart, and littlebit under pressure by history. So that push this country to build their people and place really serious than us in Indonesia. And I also assume this is why the more higher educated citizen from Indo going out, the more they enjoy the foreign life rather than the life in our life in village in our home town (except for family, food and cheap things reason). 

Then I just realized, this is so true, Indonesia is little bit left behind in term of civilization because of the one and only reason: People. 

Why the heck so hard to find harmony of civilization that involve in develpoment and economy empowerment in Indonesia (in generally speaking). When we try to develop city, they got chaos in social. Once a region have a good social living, they left behind from modern technology and valued income economically. 

This made me fidgety, even after I just come back to Jakarta and also going back to my home town in Makassar to celebrate Hari Raya; The main question related the synergy of civilization hanging around inside of my head. What made my home town, my origin country so hard to catch up, in term of the buildings, facilities, and the most important thing, the characteristic of the people it self. 

Somehow, actually Indonesia is a very well designed countries, where everything is available in the land that given by nature. But just why, we are so loose control, lack of management skill for all of those fucking gold and minerals, and also number of people (as idea creator and worker), why we just hard to boost it up more and just very easy with less-civilized life; garbage, disasters, races fighting and so many chaotic society (like  scrambled but not as good as scrambled egg). 

The very "basic" things here in Singapore is something that "woww" once I came back to Jakarta, in term of public facilities, transportation, green city management, modern market, especially for pandemy, the way they face it by apps and trace together campaign, Singapore have many leading social standard compare us in Jakarta (generally speaking). DAMN!!! Its only separated by 2 hours flight from Singapore, but How far the people here left behind!

The 3 days trip in Singapore also teach me very good about simplicity; less is more; efficiency. Can you imagine how this very little land country produce their business to get highest GDP? And if you can realize, by main problem of the limited area, how effective they maximized their land to provide trade and business service to produce highest GPA and advanced trading and technology in the region? Its truly can described after visit the city and see how effectiveness of the government and people to manage it perfectly simplicity. 

But anyway, just one thing maybe, dont ask me about food btw (haha). MEH! totally this country is nothing to eat! like everything not good, they eat for life, not for pleasure (like us here in Indonesia! Haha). They don't know how to value the ritual of feeding their mouth with some holy energy form holy ingredients for food. This is personal, but trust me I think Indonesia is far far much better than Singapore in term of food. So, what I ate for last 3 days there? After trying Mi Kari which pushed me to vomit it back, and tasteless of seafood bakar and goreng, It such so hard to pick a menu for just to eattt (pff), luckily they still have MCD KFC to cover it up. Basic, yes! 

Until you finished these words here, you maybe realized just what I really want to talk here, randomly chit chat and bla bla yes this is never more than just a bla bla writings to keep my mind stay awake. If maybe you curious about my second day, let me tell you little bit common secret in this country: They even dont have that so called  natural trees, waterfalls and beautiful of flowers and bugs. BUT THEY MADE IT!.

I visited Garden Bay by The Bay, a kind of human made jungle in the middle of town, paying about 200 bucks, only to see green house (semacam rumah kaca) with five floors of plants that they collect around the world ( and yes, I am totally sure, half of that is coming from Indonesian forest). Like: haha come on you pay this money to visit one waterfalls and a line up floras and mini trees? I have more than this, just all free in my home town! lol 

Then after lame of Garden Bay, let me tell you that the beautiful night scenery form the city lights is just a "aha!' thing in this country. Ya, you can feel it lah, maybe like in Jakarta if you ride your cycles at 10 p.m around Sudirman Thamrin with spotify playlist in your ears. This is wonderful! Especially because the city lights around Merlion and Marina Bay at night is god damn wonderful! This is something expensive that I missed in Indonesia. I enjoy city lights that much since I was kid. So here I am smiling big enjoying the lights and luckily with a mobile speaker to play my Spotify to enjoy the night. 

Day passed, and yes I forgot that I also made Solat Jumat in Singapore to feel the atmosphere of "Safar" in non Islamic country. And yes, its little bit challenging tho. First, we need to book the "Shalat" session that luckily more easy because they made it via online. Second, when I arrived, the mosque is near around market and restaurants, in the middle of Ramadan, I just keep fasting, in fact the foods and snacks is there in front of the eyes. 

One last other thing; language! I don't care how fluent my english in Indonesia, just come to Singapore and boom! Feel nothing because their english is so ancur bangettt and I dont know how to deal with that. It just stressed me out made me cannot communicate with human just because different accent and pattern of english that they have. Fine, even Siri can do nothing, I ask for help to communicate with Uncle in Mall, but its failed. I tried to use Bahasa but still why so hard the fakin Singapore english communicate with me! Their chinese-malay tongue that really bad to be pronounce almost every words in english lol..

Maybe yes, this is not such a perfect trip, but visit Singapore is one thing that memorable and interesting to share. If you still confused what I really mean btw, don't be sad because I know the error is not in you, but simply my bad writing skills. That's why I keep writing in this loveable blog, rite! So, thank you for your willingness to give your five-ten minutes with something less productive by coming here. 

Thank you, see you in another trip story, fellas!

April 11, 2022

Run a random thought



So funny,

Here we go 

Wanna tell a little secret

Why the universe such so kind to me

even I think its  so extra

Am happy tonight. 

After one day 

Full tiring day

And horrible business stuff

Little smile thru my eyes

Simple act is literally means a lot

April 10, 2022

Trip Sejarah ke Museum Perjanjian Linggarjati

Hola !

Another weekend trip is here ready to share!!

Kali ini mau cerita sedikit trip tipis-tipis dari nyetir random yang berujung sampai ke Cirebon (dan juga Kuningan).

Nyetir dari Jakarta jam 12an dari Jakarta, masuk di Cirebon masih sekitar jam 3. Super kilat jalan tol bebas hambatan braderr.

Karena ini tripnya sebelum puasa, jadi kita masih bisa nongkrong sambil minum lucu-lucu kayak gini. 

Ini mendarat langsung nongkrong di kafe Saung Saka, isinya banyak pilihan minuman-minuman hawaian gitu. 

Museum Tour 

Terus karena gabut, kita lanjut saja coba lihat-lihat Museum Linggarjati. Lokasinya di Linggarjati, Jawa Barat, sekitar 20 menitan dari Kota Cirebon. 

Ini dia diorama dari proses diplomasi Linggarjati yang pernah dilaksanakan di kota kecil Kuningan ini. 

Dulu semasa sekolah dan juga kuliah, perjanjian Linggarjati ini adalah salah satu proses diplomasi yang paling sering menjadi topik diskusi di antara beberapa perjanjian-perjanjian dalam proses diplomasi penyelesaian konflik Indonesia-Belanda dalam sejarah kemerdekaan Indonesia. 

Nah kan jadi pas banget. Ngomongin soal konflik kan, Kali aja juga bisa belajar diplomasi berdamai sama konfik pribadi ya kan.. /curhat/

Mejanya disetting sama dengan keadaan diplomasi di jaman itu. 

Suasana gedung yang dulunya merupakan hotel, jadi tempat diplomasi antara Belanda dan perwakilan Indonesia untuk mendapatkan kedaulatan atas kemerdekaan pada tahun 1946. 

Suasana kamar yang menghadap pekarangan luas. Lumayan niih buat healingnya bapak-bapak delegasi waktu mumet mikirin draft resolusi waktu itu kayanya hehe

Suasana kamar hotelnya agak ngeri-ngeri sedap gini ya. Tapi sudah pasti di jamannya ini adalah fasilitas yang paling mewah super top standar internasyenal bestie. 

Lalu ini sempat mengabadikan Ibu Menteri MR Maria Ulfah Santoso (Menteri Sosial pertama) yang merupakan putri mantan Bupati Kuningan pada masa itu. Beliaulah yang merekomendasikan Linggarjati menjadi lokasi diplomasi kala itu dengan pertimbangan keamanan antara Batavia  yang masih menjadi basis Belanda sementar Jogja sebagai ibukota sementara yang masih memanas dalam konflik pasca proklamasi. 

Setelah keliling dan belajar cerita sejarah di sini, akhirnya ditutup dengan foto bareng Pak Maman, tour guide museum Linggarjati. Thank you Pak Maman atas cerita dan canda-candanya selama tour ini..

Makan-makan di Alam Manis

Selepas menikmati cerita-cerita sejarah, kita bergerak menuju salah satu area resto paling hits di Cirebon-Kuningan, namanya Alam Manis, lokasinya di jalan poros Kuningan-Cirebon. Suasananya tradisional estetik gini. 

Menjelang ramadan, vibes ramadannya udah lumayan kerasa banget, dari lampu-lampu, dekorasi sampai menu sajiannya yang ala-ala takjil buka puasa. 

Pajangan dindingnya pun udah siap banget menyambut bulan Ramadan. 

Menu kali ini kita coba Sop Daging Sapi buat menghangatkan perut, juga kopi susu gula aren biar melek. Selain itu, juga pesan cemilan mendoan dan sambal setan. Ini sambalnya beneran kesetanan sih banyak parah dan ektra pedess! Sangat rekomended, dan sayang banget sampai sekarang ga bisa nemu sambal hot segila ini di Jakarta. 

Dan bonus foto konsep konten instagram. Haha 

Thank you for following this short skip story, kita jumpa lagi di cerita trip selanjutnya soon yaah! 

See you!

April 09, 2022

Wismul Boyband Oppa

Hola, untuk hari ketujuh Ramadan yang bertepatan dengan hari Jumat kali ini, 

Lets keep up the vibes, 
go get progress. At least we are trying.

How we manage everything to be under control, even in hardest situation. 



April 03, 2022

Konten IG Story Ngehalu Makan Enak

Holaa! Here we go again, welcome the Holy of Ramadan!

Hari ini adalah hari pertama puasa, mungkin sepertinya ada dua golongan nih buat yang puasa pas hari pertama.

Golongan pertama, golongan orang-orang yang kuat banget karena ngerasa belum keganggu banget sama lapar dan hausnya hari pertama. Maklum, kan baru hari pertama, golongan ini ngerasa kalau waktu berjalan masih biasa aja, cepet banget bahkan buat ngelaluinnya.

Golongan kedua, golongan orang-orang yng justru ngerasain banget laper dan hausnya sejak pagi, bahkan semenit setelah waktu imsak (HAHAHA) udah keringetan. Perutnya demam panggung mau puasa sebulan ya😅🙈

Tetap sabar yaah, puasa yang kuat biar amal ibadahnya lancar.

Yaudah sebagai penghibur, enjoy halu-halu makan enak berikut ini! Kali aja buat referensi pas buka puasa sore nanti. See you!



Makanan dapat memiliki pengaruh positif pada kesehatan dan pemulihan tubuh, terutama jika dipilih dengan cermat. 


Selain memilih makanan yang sehat, penting juga untuk mempertimbangkan porsi yang seimbang, minum air yang cukup, tidur yang baik, serta menghindari stres berlebihan. Jika kalian memiliki kondisi kesehatan tertentu, selalu bijaksana untuk berkonsultasi dengan profesional medis atau ahli gizi sebelum mengubah pola makan kalian ya gaess.



Penting untuk memahami bahwa makanan bukan hanya sumber energi, tetapi juga memainkan peran krusial dalam menjaga kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Memilih makanan yang seimbang dan bergizi adalah kunci untuk mendukung fungsi tubuh yang optimal. Tapi before all, yang penting enak dan naikin mood iya ga gaesss wkwkwk




Rasanya tergantung pada preferensi pribadi, tetapi berikut adalah beberapa minuman yang banyak orang anggap enakk gaes

Gimana? Udah kepikiran menu buat buka puasa sore ini? Asal jangan sampai ngiler berujung batal puasa yaa!

Doain lancar ya puasa tahun ini.. aamiin